Young Readers Club, Nigeria is an association that foster reading culture in young kids within the ages of 7 and 19. The aim is to inculcate good reading habit in young children of this generation, which should be passed on to the next, thereby producing an army of writers and intelligent minds.
Mission: Our mission is to foster reading habits in children.
Vision: Our vision is to build a generation of intelligent minds from reading books.
The System:
Young Readers Club, Nigeria shall achieve its goal (mission and vision) by penetrating the minds of children in the primary and secondary schools by the following strategies and activities:
- Setup Young Readers Club, Nigeria in primary and secondary schools in the states and nationwide:
- Visit schools with proposals and flyers and speaks with Principals and Headmasters
- Each school will appoint a representative of Young Readers Club, Nigeria (School Rep) who will interface with the state coordinator. The School Reps will coordinate unified activities in their schools.
- Organize monthly reading competition with prizes in the schools where we have our clubs:
- There shall be “book of the month” to be read for the monthly competition, which shall be communicated at the state level.
- Winner shall be selected in this order:
- First 3 persons to finish the “book of the month”, which shall be evaluated by the School Rep
- The highest score of the quiz from the first 3 persons above shall be the selected Quiz winner and the prize given for the month.
- Organize quarterly reading competitions with stunning awards in every state nationwide:
- There shall be “book of the quarter”, which will be used for the grand competition held quarterly. This shall be communicated at state level.
- Selection of competitors will be from each school in the state:
- The quiz winner for the month shall be the competitor to represent his/her school at the state level grand competition.
- The winners of the grand competition shall be in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, each going home with handsome prizes.
Modalities for prize awards:
Funds for awards and prizes:
- There shall be room for freewill donations. YRC-NG shall solicit support from meaningful Nigerians.
- All competitors must purchase the book from YRC-NG website at a certain price. The money realized from orders at the end of the sale for that month shall be used to purchase gifts or shall be used for awards.
Terms and Conditions:
- All competitors must be a YRC-NG member.
- All “book of the month/quarter” for competition must be purchased from YRC-NG website by or for competitors.
- Shipping of purchased books shall be shipped only to school addresses.
Functions and responsibilities of YRC-NG Personnel:
President: This is the chief organizer and coordinator of YRC-NG activities. He/she gives instruction and approval for any planned activity. He oversees the general activities of YRC-NG nationwide. He/she plans, strategizes, and coordinates monthly events.
Coordinators: They receive instructions from the president and carry out the task. They oversee and coordinate activities of the school reps in their states and report to the president.
Key responsibilities of coordinators are as follows:
- Submit proposals in schools in their states.
- Ensure the incorporation of YRC-NG in schools – (Letter of acceptance must be obtained from the schools as evidence).
- Ensure the appointment of YRC-NG school reps in incorporated school.
- Organize monthly awareness and symposiums in incorporated schools.
- Ensure the smooth running of activities in incorporated schools.
- Hold weekly meetings with YRC-NG school reps.
- Submit reports weekly.
School Representatives: They coordinate and organize school activities as will be instructed by their coordinators. They are the direct interface with the school. A school rep must be a teacher in the host school.
Key responsibilities of YRC-NG school reps are as follows:
- Hold weekly YRC-NG meetings in their schools with club members.
- Ensure timely purchase of the book of the month for club members.
- Carry out weekly reading activities such as coaching, guide, and question & answer sessions.
- Ensure the responsiveness of club members in book reading.
Reporting hierarchy:
- School reps report their concerns and all correspondence to their state coordinators. The coordinators may delegate their assistance (if any) to interface with school reps.
- The state coordinators report their concerns and all correspondence directly to the MD/CEO. In cases where the MD/CEO is not available at the time, then it is channelled to the PA.
Mode of communication:
Communication shall be via the following channels:
- Emails: Every coordinator shall have a customized email address for all correspondence. The format shall be firstname@yrc.com.ng.
- There shall be a coordinators’ email address for dissemination of general information that concerns coordinators. The email is coordinators@yrc.com.ng
- There shall be a school reps’ email address for dissemination of general information that concerns school reps. The email is reps@yrc.com.ng
- WhatsApp: There shall be WhatsApp groups for timely and effective communication, though, this will be informal. All formal communication shall be documented, hence via email. The WhatsApp groups shall be as follows:
- YRC-NG Coordinators: This group shall consist of all state coordinators, admin by the MD/CEO.
- YRC-NG State School Reps: This group shall consist of all school reps in the state, admin by the State coordinator and MD/CEO.
- YRC-NG All School Reps: This group shall consist of all school reps nationwide, admin by the MD/CEO.
- Microsoft Teams: This is where virtual meetings shall be held, preferably. All Coordinators and School Reps are to have the Teams app installed on their devices for meetings.
- Zoom: This will be an alternative for virtual meetings. All Coordinators and School Reps are to have the Zoom app installed on their devices.
Mode of Identification:
The mode of identification shall be with the YRC-NG ID when going for activities related to YRC-NG. This shall be given in soft copy for printing at the various state. Each coordinator shall receive their ID in soft copy and shall print same at business/computer centres.
Proposals shall be typed and printed on YRC-NG letterheaded paper and signed by the coordinator. YRC-NG letterheaded paper shall be made available for download from the YRC-NG website. Acceptance of incorporation in schools thereafter shall be documented, hence a signed copy of an acceptance letter from the school on their letter headed papers or via email to info@yrc.com.ng from the school’s customized official email address, whichever is easier.