There is nothing more thrilling than seeing young Nigerian kids develop interest in reading. This is our drive at Young Readers Club Nigeria, to ignite that passion.

Grooming youNg readers

We foster the habit of reading in young Nigerian kids, always keeping them well-informed and confident.

A better Nigeria ahead

Our goal is to nullify the slogan of  “hiding away things from black people by putting it in books”. We strongly believe that the Nigerians of tomorrow shall be exempted!

Igniting the passion of reading

What we do

Young Readers Club, Nigeria is an association that foster reading culture in young kids within the ages of 7 and 19. The aim is to inculcate good reading habit in young children of this generation, which should be passed on to the next, thereby producing an army of writers and intelligent minds.


Remember, you/your kid(s) must be a club member of YRC-NG in the school you/they attend to participate in the monthly challenge.

Who we are

Young Readers Club, Nigeria (YRC-NG) is an initiative and subsidiary of Rushdah Innovative Resources with the sole aim to foster reading culture in children by giving rewards for reading and completing various kinds of books that are enlightening, educating and motivational to the positives.


Our mission is to foster reading habits in children.


Our vision is to build a generation of intelligent minds from reading books.



A Message from the boss

It is said that “If you don’t want them (the black people) to know Something, put it in a Book, they’ll Never Read It…Not anymore! Not for the present and next generation of Nigeria. This is why we are here, doing this the way we are doing it, to ensure that the children of today will be the great minds of tomorrow and beyond. 


Muhammad A.O

The reading club

"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”

— Frederick Douglass

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

— Dr. Seuss

“There are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love of books is the best of all.”

– Jacqueline Kennedy

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